Did you know? Bacteria-rich health drinks contain 80% more sugar than cola

Yakult vs Coke (Coke Wins)

Back in our time, Yakult was THE health drink for kids. Everyone knew Yakult ladies and everyone knew how to spell Lactobacilli Shirota Strain (did I get that right?).

So I was really suprised to know that my nephew's pedia doesn't recommend Yakult for kids. Apparently, Yakult has MORE SUGAR than Coca Cola! And it isn't new news either.

According to a UK times column:
Yakult contains 18g of sugar per 100g, Flora pro.activ raspberry 12.3g, Müller Vitality strawberry 12.6g and Danone Actimel multifruit 14.2g. Coca-Cola contains 10g of sugar per 100g.

Ok ka lang, tyan?
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